Mobile Foot Care Clinic

Supported by Scourie Community Development Company, Health Care provider, Amy MacHardy Dip.FH, MCFHP, MAFHP is available for foot care appointments in Scourie and Kinlochbervie (alternative months).  Amy provides a service which is not widely available in the area, to book an appointment call Amy on 07810847948. One of her regular clients provided this testimonial;

“ Amy visits me every eight weeks. I have quite an extensive medical history and suffer very badly with a variety of conditions which makes it difficult to reach down to cut my toenails, my nails are very thick and difficult to trim, my feet are prone to callouses which makes walking painful. With regular treatment, many of the problem areas are kept under control making it less painful for me to walk, and my general outlook on life has improved”

current and completed projects

Scourie Rocks

Community Gardens

Community-Owned housing

Mental Health

Seaweed Farming Project

Mobile Foot Care Clinic

Covid - community connections


Bird Hide

Sports Pavilion

Woodland Footpaths

Scourie Pier

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